Every single business has to communicate with its customers in one way or another. Business communication forms and methods may look different, but the end goal is the same – to relay information in an effective way to a specific target audience. Our DirectDrop tool serves many different types of businesses, but we have found that our sweet spot is the financial services sector. It all started with recovery and has blossomed into all sorts of wide-scale contact needs like reminder messages, alerts, pre-collection payment requests, and much more.

Here is more detail about our core clients: 

Who Does DirectDrop Voicemail Serve?  

Credit Unions 

With our tool, you can improve your members’ experience by helping them stay on top of current payments. Credit union growth is up over 14%, and loan balances are up over 11%. But getting on the phone with members is a challenge as they often ignore calls from unknown numbers; with DirectDrop Voicemail, you can reach your consumers without the intrusion of a call in a personal, customized way. See how one credit union drove 25% more inbound calls with DirectDrop here. 

Consumer Lenders 

Looking to increase your loan conversion rate? Follow up on applications? Remarket to pay off borrowers? Of all of our clients, lenders see the highest ROI because most all applications of our technology contribute directly to the bottom line. Our tool is a great way to leave friendly reminders to your consumers on when their payments are due or when they are late. See how your competitors are using DirectDrop to increase ROI. 

First Party Collections 

For most creditors, the biggest challenge is just getting ahold of consumers. Did you know that debt collection complaints top the list of consumer complaints received by the FTC, with almost 900,000 complaints received? You don’t want to add to this number. If someone sees the phone ring, they most likely will not answer it if they don’t know the number. The latest study shows that in 2020, that number is up to 94%! With DirectDrop, you put the power back in your customers’ hands. Learn more about how it can help lead your business to success here. 

Third Party Collections 

There are 4,100 debt collection agencies in the U.S., and you don’t want to be just a number. It’s important to figure out ways to differentiate yourself to see success. We understand that it’s hard to reach people and have productive conversations. DirectDrop may be the perfect solution for you. Let the consumer know you are ready to speak when they are and empower them to control the conversation and pay when they are able. Read more about how one of your competitors used our tool to generate collections that were 44x the cost of the voicemail deliveries. 

If you think that DirectDrop Voicemail may be the perfect solution to help fuel your business, then we would love to have a conversation. You can give us a call at 855-910-6706 or schedule time with our team here. 

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