“Communication – the human connection is the key to personal and career success,” said Paul J. Meyer.

This powerful sentence must be applied to every aspect of your business. Communicating effectively and listening to your consumer is the key to building trust and maintaining strong relationships. So, how do you build trust through communication? 

4 Ways to Build Trust Through Communication: 

  1. Grab Your Customer’s Attention with Personalization

The American attention span is getting shorter and shorter with time, so it’s important that you communicate effectively and intentionally from the get-go, because you only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your audience. Start with adding a personal touch and introducing yourself. Offer sympathy and empathy from the start of your conversation, this will set the tone for the rest of your call. 

  1. Be Transparent and Honest 

You would be surprised by how far honesty can go with customers. As young children, we have been trained to pick up on when people are lying or not. Money is a sensitive subject, so it is crucial to communicate with honesty and transparency to build trust and maintain a strong long-term relationship. 

  1. Make the Call About Them 

Remember that the end goal of your call is not for personal gain, it is to help the person on the other side of the phone. Ultimately, you can’t control if the consumer decides to take action when they get off the phone with you, but you can control how you make them feel by listening and communicating with their needs in mind. 

  1. End With a Positive Summary of the Call

Before hanging up the phone, make sure to summarize the call, especially if the consumer decided on any resolutions or next steps for payment. Lastly, add a positive, personal note at the end. 

All of these tips should help you enhance your communication and help to build trust between you and your consumer, but at the end of the day, no matter how positive your communication is, people don’t like to be interrupted. DirectDrop alleviates disruption and increases positive customer interactions. Learn more about how it works here. 

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Eliminate the Disruption Mentality with DirectDrop Voicemail

Disruption Mentality