What Does a Limited-Content Message Sound Like?

Within the collections industry, the term “limited-content message” has been a hot topic recently. 

In October, the CFPB passed a rule designed to help debt collectors remain compliant and avoid legal issues. The term limited-content message was introduced into this new ruling. 

A limited-content message is “what information a debt collector must and may include in a voicemail message for consumers (with the inclusion of no other information permitted) for the message to be deemed not to be a communication under the FDCPA.” (CFPB) 

These new regulations can be difficult to navigate. Many clients have come to us with questions about what a limited-content message sounds like and how they can best craft a limited-content message. So, here is an example of one that follows all of the requirements: 

What Does a Limited-Content Message Sound Like?

To learn more about the requirements of a limited-content message and the new CFPB ruling, click here.

Our team at VoApps is committed to the growth of your business. One of the main ways we help lead your business toward further success is through compliantly increasing your inbound calls. We would love to help you craft a personalized, compliant limited-content message for your organization. If you have any additional questions, reach out to our team here.

Todd Santa Maria: