Replacing Call Automation with DirectDrop Voicemail Campaigns

For many consumers, receiving an unsolicited phone call from a business looking to collect on payments or remind them of accruing debt is a one way ticket to negative affiliation. Because many businesses in this market use tools with call automation, it’s easy for these consumers to receive multiple calls during inconvenient times.

In order to help elevate consumer perception, and empower them to communicate, it’s imperative that you replace call automation with a more personalized, empathetic approach, such as DirectDrop Voicemail. 

What is DirectDrop Voicemail?

How does VoApps DirectDrop Voicemail work? from VoApps Support on Vimeo.

Why DirectDrop Over Call Automation?

  • It’s less intrusive: With DirectDrop Voicemail, your unique message goes straight to their voice mailbox without it ever calling the phone. 
  • Allows for personalization: DirectDrop Voicemail has various voice recording options available. Because the industry standard (Zortman Message) tends to have a negative stigma attached to it, these options for customization for tone, verbiage, and speed helps the consumer to feel more comfortable. 
  • Works with your current strategy: Every business is unique, and the way in which you operate is, too. DirectDrop Voicemail was designed to work with your existing strategy, helping to increase inbound calls without adding headcount, while simultaneously reducing cost and enhancing consumer relations.

Interested in testing out DirectDrop Voicemail or seeing your potential ROI? Reach out to us here or visit our website.

Todd Santa Maria: