How Your Commercial Real Estate Business Can Use DirectDrop Voicemail

Portrait Of New Business Owners By Empty Office Window

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  

Brokers who make more calls make more money than those that do not.  

If you are in the commercial real estate industry, you probably agree with this statement. Contacting people is crucial to creating revenue, driving business, and staying ahead of the competition. 

DirectDrop Voicemail gives you the ability to hit your calling goals within minutes without the intrusion of a ringing call. This allows you to be as efficient as possible, churning out a day or even, at times, a week of calling into a singular campaign that goes out within minutes. 

How your commercial real estate business can use DirectDrop Voicemail: 

  • Increase your resource efficiency.
  • Improve team efficiency.
  • Maximize the exposure of your listings and your brand while minimizing the time needed to do so.
  • Update clients on new policies.
  • Send out mass business updates.
  • Remind clients of upcoming events and bank holidays.
  • Increase your ROI by up to 25x the spend.

Our tool is not meant to replace your customary calls but to augment your marketing efforts as a whole, making it easier to increase personalized messaging and targeting at every stage (new listing, new sale, proposed legislation, zoning changes, etc.). 

More calls will inevitably lead to more exposure for your listings. 

More calls will also lead to more touches with potential clients, which strengthens your brand. 

And lastly, more calls will increase your inbound calls, which will increase your revenue in the long run. 

Ready to get started? Book a meeting with Todd Santa Maria today to learn more. 

Todd Santa Maria: