Creative ways businesses use voicemail

Many of the businesses who use DirectDrop Voicemail are in the ARM Industry or are using voicemail as a means of delivering notices for collections, but those are not the only ways voicemail can be used.

We partner with many different companies who have seen the value voicemail brings by delivering their message to potentially thousands of contacts instantaneously.

Here are other places where people have seen the benefit of using DirectDrop Voicemail for their communications.

Healthcare businesses

One of the places where we’ve seen voicemail has the greatest benefit is in the healthcare industry. Your healthcare business can use voicemail to reach your entire queue quickly with better engagements and call resolutions and this helps you by saving time wasted dialing calls. Here are a few ways healthcare businesses have used our voicemail service: 

  1. Patient contact: Companies use voicemail to notify patients to let them know that they have upcoming appointments or if they need to contact you with schedule availability.
  2. Clinical trials: We’ve seen companies use this to contact patients that may qualify for clinical trials because of a particular condition. 
  3. Qualify for aid: Companies have used voicemail to reach out to patients to let them know whether or not they qualify for Medicaid.

There are a lot of healthcare applications, and this is an easy program for businesses to start implementing voicemail immediately. 


There are many different instances where schools or universities would want to use voicemail to reach their entire student body. Here are a couple of areas we’ve seen schools get the most use out of the software.

  1. Reminders for registration: Schools can reach out to groups of students to let them know when registration has opened for classes.
  2. Important announcements: Let students know of any announcements like upcoming appointments with counselors or school holidays. 
  3. Extracurricular activities: Let students know of any cancellations or delays of games or events on campus. 


After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we ran a promotion where we offered free voicemails for people who needed to get in contact with an audience quickly about schedule changes, delays and other important announcements. 

We heard from several churches that used the software to reach out to their congregation with 

  1. Worship schedules: They would let people know of any time changes or additional services.
  2. Zoom links and how to connect for the service: Many services offered live streaming, which was a brand new service for them. They needed to quickly communicate where and how to participate in these services.

There are many different ways to use voicemail for your business. Ultimately, at the end of the day, the best use for DirectDrop Voicemail is when anyone needs to contact multiple people at a time. 

There are many different applications where this can be used, and we haven’t covered all of them here. But here are examples of how utility companies, real estate and online lenders are using VoApps.
