Confidently Deliver Voicemail Messages with DirectDrop Voicemail

The highest deliverability rate in the industry.

That’s the power of our mass communication tool, DirectDrop Voicemail. 

Many of our clients and prospects come to us with questions about the deliverability rate of our voicemail service. DirectDrop Voicemail is built on the largest infrastructure provider in the industry, so we can ensure that your voicemails will have safe transmission. 

Here’s how it works: 

Our DirectDrop platform server sends the voicemail over to the carrier switch, and unlike a traditional call, the carrier switch transfers to the voicemail server instead of a tower. After the voicemail deposit, the carrier voicemail server sends the “message waiting” to the phone. To learn more about how it works, click here. 

In light of STIR/SHAKEN, we recently partnered with a new network provider, Lumen Technologies. Lumen Technologies (formed as the combination of Level 3 and CenturyLink) is a Tier 1 network provider that helps us to get our traffic signed with the highest attestation so that all of our messages are delivered successfully, safely, and into the regular voicemail box so that it has the highest chance of being listened to and responded to. To learn more about our response on STIR/SHAKEN, click here. 

Lastly, it is important to note that our team is always working on enhancing the deliverability of our tool. We have a few things in the works that we can’t wait to share with our customer base soon! 

To learn more about how VoApps can help grow your business, click here to book a meeting with our team. 

Todd Santa Maria: