3 Ways Voicemail Solutions are Transforming the ARM Industry

Being a part of the ARM industry comes with its unique set of industry-specific challenges. With new regulations and rules constantly being updated and amended, it can be hard to keep up with how to differentiate your business. While this is just an inevitable component of the nature of the industry, there is one new solution that’s transforming the entirety of the ARM industry – voicemail solutions.

3 ways voicemail solutions are transforming the ARM industry:

1. Better industry perception

There’s just something about an unexpected debt collection call that consumers aren’t enthusiastic about. While debt is something that a majority of the people in the U.S. live with, it’s not something that many enjoy being interrupted at 8:59 pm on a Sunday evening about. Since this is traditionally how many collectors contact their consumers, the industry has picked up a negative reputation. However, with the introduction of voicemail solutions, the reputation of the industry is slowly beginning to climb it’s way back up the ladder. Because voicemail solutions allow collectors to drop a voicemail without ever causing the phone to ring, interruption is no longer a problem. Instead, consumers are given the chance to acknowledge and act on the matter when it’s convenient for them.

2. Better consumer interactions

Debt can be a touchy subject. When coupled with a negative experience with an agent, the consumer is less likely to pay on their outstanding debts. When it comes to making money in your business, the fact of the matter is that the consumer holds all the power. Creating a positive consumer experience, more than anything else, is key to converting on calls and bringing in revenue. By implementing voicemail solutions into your operations, you’re allowing not only for consumers to decide when, where, and how they want to pay on their outstanding debt, but you’re also freeing up time for your agents to take inbound calls. When an agent can take inbound calls from a consumer who genuinely wishes to resolve their outstanding debt, they’re able to provide them with the quick, convenient, and a personalized service that consumers desire. 

3. Increased reach

Communication is one of the biggest challenges facing the ARM industry today. With more consumers hitting ‘decline’ on calls than ever before, achieving that live conversation almost feels impossible. Fortunately, with voicemail solutions, agents are able to significantly broaden their reach while maintaining a positive consumer experience.

DirectDrop Voicemail, in particular, allows collectors to generate about 4x the inbound calls from consumers seeking resolution at a fraction of the cost of manual dialing. This innovative voicemail solution is designed to put the power of convenience and reciprocation into the hands of the consumers – ultimately increasing callbacks, improving interactions and dollars earned. 

Ready to get started with DirectDrop Voicemail? Let’s chat!

Todd Santa Maria: