Electric Bill
We have seen an increase in online web payments. VoApps is a great tool to communicate with consumers at their convenience.
Ryan Matrisch, Pro Com Services of Illinois, Inc.

Immediately inform customers of important updates.

Handling thousands of inbound calls from customers seeking resolution to power outages, water use restrictions, and payments due can be difficult without the agent bandwidth. DirectDrop Voicemail technology allows you to immediately inform customers of important updates, minimizing inbound calls and empowering them to go online and make a payment. 

With DirectDrop Voicemail, you can:

Inform customers of city-wide outages at scale.

Minimize inbound calls from customers seeking resolution to power outages, water use restrictions.

Send upcoming account payment notifications.

Drive more payments with frequent communication delivered in a non-intrusive way.

Communicate field scheduling reminders.

Decrease money spent on forgotten field agent tasks.

Distribute pre-disconnect calls.

Enhance communication prior to disconnect to drive last minute recoveries without angering customers.

See the DirectDrop Voicemail workflows your competitors are currently using to hit their goals.

Increase customer satisfaction and recoveries without adding headcount.


This means your staff can:

  1. Maximize resource efficiency
  2. Reduce cost by delivering complete messages
  3. Discreetly interact with your past due accounts
  4. Easily notify customers of payments due
  5. Reduce inbound calls by delivering specific, customized voicemails to the customer’s voice mailbox
  6. Quickly deliver voice messages to your customers with information specific to their location

Ready to minimize inbound calls and drive more recoveries?

How are your competitors using DirectDrop Voicemail?

Fill out the form below to receive an email with our DirectDrop Voicemail workflows for driving customer relations and increasing recoveries.

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