Best Practices for Optimizing Your DirectDrop Voicemail Campaign

Every business is unique, and because of this, the way that you utilize DirectDrop Voicemail is, too. However, over the last 8 years, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to better optimize your DirectDrop Voicemail campaign.

Be sure to check out out top 6 “best practices” before launching your next (or first) voicemail campaign:

  1. Optimize your campaigns by testing multiple versions of your voicemail messages (different scripts, voice types, and tone) to find which resonates the most with your customers.
  1. Include a web address in the message to give another, more inclusive payment option.
  1. Send a regular cadence of deliveries to show you’re not going away and to garner a higher response rate.
  1. Ensure all inbound calls come to a live agent.
  1. Automate your file upload by sending files automatically through our simple API or FTP to save time and mix frequent voicemail campaigns into your larger contact strategy.
  1. Vary the time of day and day of week that you deliver your voicemail messages to determine when is the best, most convenient time to reach your customers.

How does VoApps DirectDrop Voicemail work? from VoApps Support on Vimeo.

Have questions about DirectDrop Voicemail, or have any other optimizations you’d like to share? Reach out to us here!

Todd Santa Maria: