3 Ways Agents can Empower Consumers

An unexpected phone call from a random number usually isn’t a consumer favorite. When it comes to dealing with debt, people would rather do so on their own time.

Getting consumers on the phone can be hard; however, with the help of your agents, great customer service, and powerful technology, you can change perceptions and empower consumers.

3 Ways Agents can Empower Consumers

1. Anticipate consumer needs

Receiving a phone call that you’re not expecting, especially when it has to do with your finances, can make someone feel ambushed. When a consumer picks up the phone, chances are they’re going to have a lot of questions and might even be defensive. As an agent, you can make the consumer feel more comfortable and relaxed by being prepared to answer any questions they may have. The more questions you can answer, the more trust you’ll instill into them. Trust goes a long way in making impactful relationships and influencing a positive notion around collection calls.

2. Give them reassurance

Most of the time, consumers that have negative perceptions about collection agencies have had previous negative experiences. The matter you’re calling about is likely a sensitive subject to your debtor, so assuming they don’t want to pay can make them feel even more negatively about it. Instead, be empathetic when speaking with them, and reassure them that you’re there to help and not to judge their situation. Making the consumer feel that you’re trying to help rather than to collectwill increase their likelihood of answering, calling back, or paying off their debt.

3. Offer them Options

Most of the time, the reason you even have to make that call is that the consumer needs more payment options than what was originally given. Instead of presenting them with just one course of action, make sure you understand what alternatives they have available to them. Providing a consumer options goes further than the matter you’re collecting on.

The most effective way to empower consumers is to put the ball in their court with DirectDrop Voicemail. Empowering someone to handle an issue on their own terms, when they’re ready, will ultimately lead to better interactions and more dollars collected.

Get to know our DirectDrop Voicemail product and what it can do for you, or reach out to us here to start generating those callbacks.
